Update: Telehealth and E-Visit Sessions now offered to Support You During this Time — The Wellness Station

Update: Telehealth and E-Visit Sessions now offered to Support You During this Time

We want to extend our warmest thoughts and prayers that you and your loved ones are well and safe as we all navigate the unknown of this Coronavirus health crisis together.

As of 3/16/2020, we paused face-to-face visits and classes at the Wellness Station in order to best protect clients and staff from potential exposure. The situation is dynamic and there is no way to predict the future, but at this point we can say for sure that we will be closed through the end of March. We will keep you updated as our plans change.

We recommend taking a look at the CDC information about Corona virus if you have not yet.

We are dedicated to doing what we can to continue to support your healing and wellness during this stressful time of upheaval. Although we are not physically in the office, we are remotely retrieving telephone messages and emails.

We'd like to offer you all some resources in these trying times to assist in bringing your nervous system to a state of balance and greater calm. 

Listen to Paul's audio Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson- Comforting Me.

If you click the Video Link above, you will find Feldenkrais inspired movement lessons  that you may find helpful for reducing pain and anxiety.  We recommend starting with Calming the Nervous System.

We are currently planning to begin offering telehealth or e-visits to our clients starting Monday, March 23rd. This is a new process for the Wellness Station, and like many small businesses moving to this resource to better serve clients during this health crisis, we are moving quickly to implement this service.

While nothing can replace in-person visits, and we regret the temporary suspension of these services, we recognize that telehealth offers many benefits.

Telehealth sessions will provide an opportunity for you to check in with your clinician, review prior lessons and address any questions you may have.  As well, you can discuss new variations or progressions of your home routine so that you may continue to learn and grow. The goal will be to provide you with the necessary support and guidance through the next few weeks so that you can improve your resilience to stress and take advantage of your time at home as a period of self-care and healing.

Because telehealth is a developing landscape and there is a learning curve involved, it is not yet possible to give you the full picture of how insurance will be reimbursing for telehealth. Right now Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans, and some private insurance companies, are changing their rules for reimbursement and details are still emerging. If feasible and practical, we will offer telehealth covered by Medicare and some insurance plans. Right now, because everything is evolving so rapidly, it has been impossible to connect with insurance companies. 

As a consequence, initially we are offering telehealth as a cash self-pay service only. 

When we have certainty about insurance, which should be within a matter of days, we will promptly share that information.

Telehealth sessions are available through the Wellness Station‘s HIPPA compliant client portal.  You must be set up in the Wellness Station client portal to do telehealth sessions!  If you have not already set up an account, please email us at info@thewellnessstation.co and we will send you a link to do so.

Here is a helpful link about using the portal.

Once you have the client portal set up, you will be able to schedule your telehealth appointments online.  As well, you can contact your provider via message through the portal, which is the best way to be in touch. The process is quite simple and straightforward.


Start date:  Monday March 23rd

Sessions are 45 minutes
Cost is $70 per session

Package Deal: 3 sessions (with single practitioner) for $190

Paul’s telehealth hours: 10am-2pm, Mondays & Thursdays

Caitlin's telehealth hours: 10am-2pm, Monday - Friday

For patients that are already signed up for the Client Portal:


If you are interested in telehealth sessions, but do not have a client portal login, email us at: 
INFO@THEWELLNESSSTATION.CO and we will respond with the info you need to set up an account.

We hope you understand that because we are a very small health service business, this crisis creates tremendous challenges for us. We must keep our administrative costs to a minimum during this time when our business is paused. We can send you very explicit guidance for setting up your telehealth appointments, and we can answer questions, but we cannot book telehealth sessions for you.

Take care and be kind, reach out in ways you can, support your local community, and be sure to give your energy and resources available to healthcare providers and those that are vulnerable if you are able.
